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Love Psychics UK Home > Love > Romantic Love

Romantic Love

Romantic love is the first phase of a relationship between two adults. It may happen that you meet some one and suddenly the sparks fly. This is what people term as love at first sight.

So why do sparks fly? It may be destiny or this is how it was meant to be. The other is that the attraction is physical, which means that you meet a particular person who unconsciously stimulates chemicals in your body, which in turn, make you feel exhilarated and elated, so much so that you feel that life would be impossible without him or her.

There are many scientific articles that show that romantic love is actually infatuation or a stage where you start seeing your love interest through rose-colored glasses. It is at this stage you are totally blind to the other’s faults and even at times to his/her emotional or physical abuses. This is why romantic love is often said to be blind.

However, what goes high comes down and this holds true with the emotional high you feel when you are in a romantic relationship. Gradually, the hormones settle down and when this happens, reality sets in. The faults, conflicts and the abuses that you had earlier ignored now seem more unpalatable than ever.

This being said, it is important to realize that romantic love is essential to any long term relationship. It is in a way a rite to passage which everyone has to go through. When the emotional high dies down, you are bound to feel empty and chances are you will react and be irritated.

This is a testing time in any relationship. However, parting ways at this stage is not an answer. What is more important is to understand what you feel and why you feel and how you can overcome conflicts, irritants and other issues so that you progress to a more mature relationship.

It is here that our gifted love psychics can help. If you are passing through a difficult phase of your life, you can seek counseling, advice and guidance on how to progress to the stage of mature love.

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